The Sons of Ireland is offering Sponsorship opportunities for the 2025 Polar Bear Plunge

being held in Asbury Park, NJ at the historic Berkeley Carteret.

$2,500 is the donation required to be a Sponsor.

Aside from supporting two highly deserving Monmouth County charities; the donation is tax-deductible as the Sons of Ireland is a registered 501 (c) 3 charitable organization.

Sponsors’ Logo will be prominently displayed on our website, all promotional material, advertising, event day banners and emails.

Sponsors may elect to designate their donation toward the total fundraising of a particular team. To do so, please email info@sonsofireland.org once the sponsorship donation has been completed with the team name you would like your sponsorship to go towards!

All money raised at the 2025 Plunge will benefit the following two charities

Hazlet's HOPE Network

Hazlet’s Hope Network Website

Mission: An all-volunteer, non-profit dedicated to uniting the skills and experience of recovery teams with area patients seeking lifesaving changes from substance abuse disorder through long term treatment and support.

The Samaritan Center at the Jersey Shore

The Samaritan Center Website

Mission: Provide hope and resiliency by providing professional counseling and prevention education and awareness programs. Established to provide individual, couples and families with the inner strength and emotional resources to advance their emotional, spiritual, mental health and wellness with quality professional counseling and coaching services. 

If you have any questions regarding becoming a Sponsor for the 2025 Plunge, please email info@sonsofireland.org